Pokerglossar mit mehr als 300 Pokerbegriffen und -Phrasen, deren Bedeutung mit Beispielen, Definitionen und Hinweise auf weiterführende Artikel die für Pokerspieler wichtig sind.
- 3-bet
- A-Game
- ABC-Player
- Aces Up
- Action
- Add-On
- Advertise
- AF
- Aggressiv
- Aggressor
- All-In
- American Airlines
- Anna Kournikowa
- Ante
- Any Two
- Average
- Backdoor
- Backer
- Backraise
- Bad Beat
- Balancing
- Bankroll
- bet
- Bet in the Dark
- Betting Pattern
- Betting Structure
- Bicycle
- Big Bet
- Big Blind
- Big Slick
- Big Stack
- Big-Stack-Strategie
- Blank
- Blinddefense
- Blinds
- Blindsteal
- Blockbet
- Blocker
- Blow-Up
- Bluff Call
- Bluff-Catcher
- Bluff Induce
- Bluffen
- Board
- Board-Cards
- Boat
- Bonus
- Bonus Whoring
- Bot
- Bottom-Pair
- Bottom Two
- Bounty
- Break Even
- Broadway-cards
- broke
- Bubble
- Burn Card
- Bust out
- Button
- Buy-in
- Call
- Call Down
- Calling-Station
- Cap
- Card Dead
- Card-Removal-Effekt
- Cash-Game
- Cash out
- Center-Pot
- Chase
- Cheating
- Check
- Check Behind
- Check Down
- Check in the Dark
- Check-Raise
- Chip-Dumping
- Chipleader
- Chips
- Chop
- Clubs
- Coinflip
- Cold-Call
- Cold Deck
- Collusion
- Committed
- Community-Pot
- Complete-Hand
- Connector
- Continuation-Bet
- Cooler
- Counterfeit
- Covered
- Cowboys
- Crack
- Crippled
- Crying Call
- Cut-Off
- Dark Tunnel Bluff
- Data Mining
- Dead Blind
- Dead-Mans-Hand
- Dead-Money
- Deal
- Dealer
- Deception
- Deck
- Deep-Stack
- Deposit
- Deuces
- Diamond
- Disconnect Protection
- Discounted Outs
- Dominated-Hand
- Domination
- donken
- Doomswitch
- Double-Inside-Straight
- Double-or-Nothing
- Double-Up
- Downswing
- draw
- Draw-Dead
- Drawing-Hand
- Drawing live
- Drawing thin
- Drawy
- Dry
- Early-Position
- edge
- Equity
- Expected-value
- Exploiting
- Family-Pot
- Final-Table
- First-to-Act
- Fish
- Floating
- Flop
- Flush
- Flush-Draw
- Fold
- Fold-Equity
- Four-of-a-Kind
- Free-Card
- free-Roll
- Freeze-Out
- Full House
- Full-Ring
- Gap-Konzept
- Gemeinschaftskarten
- grinden
- Guaranteed-Prizepool
- Gutshot
- Hand-for-Hand
- Heads-Up
- Hearts
- Hero
- High Card
- High-Low
- High-Roller
- Hit
- Holdem
- Hole Cards
- Home-Game
- In-Position
- In-the-Money
- Independent-Chip-Model
- Initial-Pot
- Inside-Straight
- kicker
- King-Kong
- Late-Position
- Limit
- Limit-Poker
- Limp-Raise
- limpen
- Loose
- Luckbox
- M-Ratio
- Made-Hand
- Maniac
- Micro-Limit
- Middle-Pair
- Middle-Position
- Minraise
- Monkey
- Monster
- Muck
- Multiway-Pot
- Nit
- No-Limit Poker
- nuts
- Odds
- Offsuit
- Omaha-Poker
- One-Gapper
- Out
- Out-of-Position
- Overcards
- Overpair
- Pair
- Passen
- Pocket-Pair
- Position
- Post-Oak-Bluff
- Postflop
- Pot
- Pot-Limit
- Pot-Odds
- Preflop
- Prize-Pool
- Protect
- Push
- Quads
- Ragged
- Railbird
- Rainbow
- Raise
- Rake
- Rakeback
- Range
- Rank
- Razz
- Re-Buy
- Re-Raise
- Reading
- Represent
- Reverse-Telling
- Reversed-Implied-Odds
- Rigged
- Ring-Game
- River
- Rock
- Rope a Dope
- Royal Flush
- Runner-Runner
- Sandwich
- Satellite
- Scare Card
- Second Pair
- Sell
- Semi-Bluff
- Set
- Seven-Card-Stud
- Shark
- shootout
- short-handed
- Short Stack
- Shove
- Showdown
- Side-Pot
- Skills
- Skin
- Slow Play
- Slow Roll
- Small-Blind
- Smooth Call
- snapcall
- soft-play
- Soft-Seat
- Spades
- spin and go
- Split Pot
- Split Two Pair
- Spread-Limit
- Squeeze
- Stack
- Steal-Raise
- Steel-Wheel
- Straight
- Straight Flush
- Suck-Out
- suited
- Suited-Connector
- Table
- Tank
- tell
- Third Barrel
- Third-Street
- Three of a Kind
- Tilt
- Time
- Timebank
- Toke
- Top and Bottom
- Top-Pair
- Top-Set
- Top Two
- Tournament
- Trips
- Turbo Tournament
- Turn
- Two Pair
- Under-Full
- Under the Gun
- Undercards
- Underdog
- Unsuit
- Upcard
- Value
- Varianz
- Wheel
- Worst Hand